
Showing posts from June, 2022

Prophetic Word about President Trump

Magnificent Prophecy about President Trump Trump is returning. He has heard God's call and knows how to advance forward. He knows the path God has set before him. There's no question now. He has faithful supporters that God has called to his side. He is willing to face tyranny. Tyranny will bow to him on the way out. It will make a fast escape (when the time arrives, remember). Tyranny will be laughed at, mocked, and cursed about by the people on its way out. My people who are called by name name have stood the test. They've stood the test of: Time, sacrifice, persecution, loss of loved ones, livelihoods, possessions, and security. They've endured threats, violence in the streets, wrong rebuke, silencing, dismissal, rejection, isolation, fear of famine, plague, shaming, beatings, killings, treasonous laws, lack, lawlessness, poisoning, stealing of assets and wealth, mental abuse, and wicked curses from chanting worshippers of Satan. My people, now is the time to turn...

Roe Vs. Wade Overturned

  June 24, 2022 Prophetic Word I received this word this morning around 7. I was interrupted and knew that there was more to be heard. I will share what I heard now and possibly post the addition later. ONE LINE HAS ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED BEFORE I KNEW. Babies will laugh again (unborn) Roe vs. Wade was overturned this morning. PRAISE GOD! PROPHETIC WORD: Rejoice, for God is near and he is leading our nation into a NEW ERA! His people will occupy the land (take leadership positions in it) There is great hope, the Lord says. Stand Tall. Freedom reigns. wickedness is eradicated. The enemy's mouth has been covered (remember he tried to cover the mouths of God's people in the church and even society by passing laws that stole freedoms.) His mouth has been muted through the ruling authorities. Their heavy influence of darkness will be no more (Heavy influence). Rise up and shout, Hallelujah! Join in with all of heaven. (Yesterday on my video I shared a vision I had this week of the a...

I Make Known the End from the Beginning Isaiah 46:10 Prophetic Word and Vision

I Make Known the End from the Beginning Isaiah 46:10 Word Of Prophecy: Do not fret, do not be in worry, my child. I can see the end from the beginning. Although the storm rides high and the winds are gusting to and from, I am here. I am here in the middle of it standing beside you. Be still and know that I AM GOD. I am here to see you through and deliver you. My eyes see good days ahead. My eyes see clear skies and sunshine and no sorrow comes with it. Rest in me. Rest in me through the raging sea, the tumultuous waves. My hand is here to protect and guide you, and to still the storm. Look to me in every difficult situation. I am the God of all the hosts in heaven, and I can lay the enemy low in battle. Keep your eyes focused on the Savior. He is King of all Kings and can help you in your most dire moments. My will is to turn all injustices into truth. I am here. Call upon my name, Lord, God, Jehovah, for I AM here and I will render a just outcome for the sake of my children. My mercy...

In the Midst of the Whirlwind

In the midst of the whirlwind of unrighteousness, get alone with me and trust in me. My words bring life to yours. The water of my Spirit quenches your thirsty soul and the bread of who I am nourishes your strength to carry on in righteousness. Do not bend your ear to the babbling nonsense of the world and to those who do not know me. Instead, bend your ear to my words of truth and feed upon their spiritual nourishment. They deliver you from the darkness of this world and open your eyes to see my light. They transform the mind and heart to be more like mine. My words heal, love, and provide wisdom where you are lacking. John 4:13-14 Jesus answered,  “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,     but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Laura Contact Information Below: Facebook Page: Laura Bovard - Author. Click Here to access in a ne...

God Desires that His Vessels Are Whole

The  Lord  is close to the brokenhearted  and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 God is more than willing to heal every vessel, but it has come to my attention that not every vessel is always willing to be healed. Never cling to brokenness for sympathy or to receive some kind of false gain. The goal in a believer's life is to move forward and allow God to heal a broken heart. Brokenness is not an effective position for any kind of accomplishment. God wants us healed, joyful in spirit and serving him full capacity. If you have felt broken for a very long time and have been resisting God's healing, take time out to ask forgiveness and allow his Holy Spirit to move and break rejection, lies, loss, betrayal, hatred, physical pain, or illness off of your life in Jesus name. Use the word of God as your strength and truth to stand on daily to renew your mind and take what is rightfully yours - wholeness. Jesus already paid with his life at the cross for eve...

Enter his Courts with Thanksgiving and Praise Always!

  June 4, 2022 Enter his gates with thanksgiving      and his courts with praise;      give thanks to him and praise his name. 5  For the  Lord  is good and his love endures forever;      his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4-5 No matter what is happening in life we always enter God's courts with thanksgiving and praise JUST BECAUSE he is a perfect God, and all his righteous ways are beyond finding out. The devil is MUCH to blame for what's going on in the world because people who are bent on serving him, give him legal rights to steal, kill, and destroy. God still be praised for his perfection and goodness. People are the other reason that a door is opened to the enemy to do his wicked works. So many times out of disobedience, bad things happen. You've heard the expression, why do bad things happen to good people? 1. Jesus said no one is good but the Father in heaven...