Enter his Courts with Thanksgiving and Praise Always!

 June 4, 2022

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5

No matter what is happening in life we always enter God's courts with thanksgiving and praise JUST BECAUSE he is a perfect God, and all his righteous ways are beyond finding out.
The devil is MUCH to blame for what's going on in the world because people who are bent on serving him, give him legal rights to steal, kill, and destroy.
God still be praised for his perfection and goodness.
People are the other reason that a door is opened to the enemy to do his wicked works.
So many times out of disobedience, bad things happen.
You've heard the expression, why do bad things happen to good people?
1. Jesus said no one is good but the Father in heaven (Mark 10:18).
2. Through the will and disobedience of people, Satan has been given a legal right to take an in - road and do his work.
Satan has been given his allotted amount of power on the earth, and he finds it through the hearts of men and women.
When people are not following the WORD of God, they are choosing to follow their own will or Satan's, and many times both are the same will.
God gives each person free will choice about their lives, as we see in the garden of Eden.
And those works of Satan find their way through webs of connection affecting a vast number of people.
3. Another reason is that God's people don't know the word, which is our protection and weapon with which to fight dark, evil forces that exist both on earth and in the atmospheric area above our sky (Ephesians 6: 11- 18).
In the Bible there are 3 different words for heaven in the original language.
The first heaven is the sky we see above: the sun, moon and stars in the blue.
The second heaven is located in the dark atmosphere above the earth called the heavenlies.
Third heaven is where God sits on his throne, where he lives, and where he prepares a place for his children to live with him eternally.
4. God's children also do not know their God given authority over darkness because they don't know the Word (Luke 10:19).
5. Since Christians live in a fallen world, evil is all around us, and when we repeatedly sin against God and fail to believe in his protection, his goodness, his healing, and his deliverance, or people live in sheer fear, and speak against God's word and his Spirit of truth. Satan then finds an in-road and God's people are sometimes effected by evil.
6. Another reason is because of the wickedness of past ancestors. Sometimes there is a generational curse present which needs to be supernaturally broken by the Holy Spirit.
7. Everything in the earth is based on seed sowing. Whatsoever ye sow that shall ye also reap. (Galatians 6:7-9).
We, God's children, are protected FAR MORE than we will ever realize, but also God's hand of protection CAN LIFT SUDDENLY because of repeated sin.
I am explaining this because no one has a right to blame a perfect God for evil things.
Therefore, we ALWAYS enter his courts with thanksgiving and praise to worship him, not to thank him for evil, but to worship his perfection, his love, his strength, his protection, his provision, and his perfect will and plan for our lives.
We need to thank God for living in a country that was founded on biblical principles regardless of what evil hearts are trying to do to reconstruct authority.
No matter what - GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD!
The Bible tells us that repeatedly, and even if we may not fully understand it, God's children always agree with the Bible.
Refocus your thoughts on TRUTH.
The enemy wants to do so many wicked things in the earth, so he can turn even the believers head to say that God is not good. WRONG!
Remember, even some of the elect can be deceived the Word tells us.
Enter God's courts with thanksgiving and praise!
Bless him regardless of your thinking and feelings based on lack of understanding about how the supernatural world turns.
Read the Word of God and keep your heart in continual praise.
God is good - ALWAYS!

Dear Father in heaven,

I commit my heart to always thanking and praising you regardless of the circumstances in my life. You are so deserving of t
hat and my faithful heart to trust in your always. In Jesus name, Amen.

Laura Bovard

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My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

Link to my Amazon page. Click Here to go to Amazon.

Laura Bovard

Copyright © laurabovard.blogspot.com 2022. All rights reserved.


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