God is a Caregiver

He is able. Do you believe that? God is able to bless you abundantly in your work for him.
Are you a caregiver?
God is specifically speaking to my heart about caregivers today.
I asked him what to share today and I heard this: "Caregiver. God is a caregiver."
God has MANY different types of caregivers in the body of Christ, and God the Father is the caregiver of ALL his children.
We are all adopted into the Body of Christ to be a son or a daughter of the King.
If you are a caregiver of any kind in any way, believe God that he is the provider of your work and your needs.
He can provide rest, food, clothing, work, medical care, and help when you need it.
Let's not forget that we are talking about God with whom ALL things are possible.
Take your cares to him. Leave them at his feet and do not worry. God will work the problems out. Nothing is too hard for him.

I Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (NIV)

My family can attest to that testimony time after time after time having been caregivers for my husband's elderly father for over a decade until his passing into glory.
And we have been providers of a loving and caring home for a couple of our grandchildren. Their mommy provides and cares for them extremely well in our home. She is raising them to love and follow Jesus. Hallelujah! There's no other way.
Family needs to help family AND others when God calls them to do so.
Are you a caregiver? God wants you to know today that HE is THE caregiver and he will provide in abundance all that we ask for in Jesus name as we go about his work in our lives.

2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 

Rest in God who is the greatest care giver. 


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My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

Link to my Amazon page. Click Here to go to Amazon.

Laura Bovard

Copyright © laurabovard.blogspot.com 2022. All rights reserved.


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