I Make Known the End from the Beginning Isaiah 46:10 Prophetic Word and Vision

I Make Known the End from the Beginning Isaiah 46:10

Word Of Prophecy:

Do not fret, do not be in worry, my child.
I can see the end from the beginning. Although the storm rides high and the winds are gusting to and from, I am here.
I am here in the middle of it standing beside you.
Be still and know that I AM GOD.
I am here to see you through and deliver you.
My eyes see good days ahead. My eyes see clear skies and sunshine and no sorrow comes with it.
Rest in me. Rest in me through the raging sea, the tumultuous waves. My hand is here to protect and guide you, and to still the storm.
Look to me in every difficult situation. I am the God of all the hosts in heaven, and I can lay the enemy low in battle.
Keep your eyes focused on the Savior. He is King of all Kings and can help you in your most dire moments. My will is to turn all injustices into truth.
I am here. Call upon my name, Lord, God, Jehovah, for I AM here and I will render a just outcome for the sake of my children.
My mercy extends itself from the heavens and reaches down into miry pits of entrapment where I hear voices of desperation calling out to me.
(Particularly those caught in sex trafficking, many will be found and returned home).
The God of the Universe has heard the weary cries of the upright in heart and he is making the way straight ahead.
The wicked shall try to pass the baton of guilt along to others, but the most just judge of the Heavens and the earth shall call each one out by name and vindicate the righteous.
No evil shall slip through my hands. All will be found out.
Justice is running swiftly to unveil injustice and reveal truth.
The time for repentance is thin.
My heart sees the hearts of evil plots, and in order to turn the nation on its heel and around facing the other direction, I must put an end to the evil plots against the just who are calling out for my help.
No other heart is more just than mine. I AM love. The time for repentance is thin.
Repent and turn, evil doers, for the time has come to squelch the evil that prevails and turn things around to justice.
I've heard enough. I've heard dark plans in lowly places and closed rooms. My ear hears all. I am turning my head away from all the tumultuous, evil doings with ONE mighty SHOUT of truth. Come out! Come out, all those who work iniquity. You shall be unveiled.
Darkness will not overcome.
Justice will prevail, says the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Victory over this land.
My will shall be rendered. So be it.
This is the end from the beginning that I see.
Rise up in hope and look to me for strength.
It has been a weary battle for most.
I am bringing Justice to your land.
Received by Laura Meyer Bovard on June 21, 2022 6:30 - 7 a.m.
All glory be to God.

My Rumble Video teaching from this word and vision. I begin with a short teaching explaining baptism in Holy Spirit from scripture. Follow this link to Rumble to Watch My Video. Click the words below.

Laura Bovard

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#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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Laura Bovard

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