Prophetic Word about President Trump

Magnificent Prophecy about President Trump

Trump is returning. He has heard God's call and knows how to advance forward. He knows the path God has set before him. There's no question now.
He has faithful supporters that God has called to his side.
He is willing to face tyranny.
Tyranny will bow to him on the way out. It will make a fast escape (when the time arrives, remember).
Tyranny will be laughed at, mocked, and cursed about by the people on its way out.
My people who are called by name name have stood the test. They've stood the test of:
Time, sacrifice, persecution, loss of loved ones, livelihoods, possessions, and security.
They've endured threats, violence in the streets, wrong rebuke, silencing, dismissal, rejection, isolation, fear of famine, plague, shaming, beatings, killings, treasonous laws, lack, lawlessness, poisoning, stealing of assets and wealth, mental abuse, and wicked curses from chanting worshippers of Satan.
My people, now is the time to turn the ship around.
The enemy's hand got you far off course to steal, kill and destroy you but MY HOSTS (warring angels) my chosen children in powerful positions, my intercessors, and your repentance are all apart of the move of God to put the ship back on course.
Continue steadfast in the Spirit of God.
Continue standing for truth and making my name known.
Continue calling upon my name when you are weak or feel burdened by the evil forces at work in the world.
Continue praising me for my help from heaven.
Continue in bending a listening ear to my voice in all things in your lives.
Continue walking straight forward with eyes focused like flint on my righteous lead.
Do not look to the left or the right.
Do not bargain for truth and justice.
Justice is mine thus saith the Lord.
My word is the only truth and my justice aligns fully with my word.
Do not compromise.
My will is here. My hope is here. My help is here.
March forward in truth. March forward in love. March forward with the sword of my word in your hand. You will prevail!
Laura Bovard

Laura Bovard

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#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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Laura Bovard

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