Jesus' Fulfilling Presence, Now and Always


These 7 significant identifications of Jesus are not only supernatural, but assuring to the very core of our being. 

They nurture the spiritual part of us, that we sometimes feel distanced from while walking in this carnal world. 

Their significance is necessary and life changing: bread, light, opportunities, God's divine guidance, victory in this world, connection to our holy Father, and life giving sustenance from Jesus himself. 

Their significance is for now in our lives, and they are eternal.  

John recorded these divine attributes for our spiritual understanding.

We can search for the essence of who Jesus is in God's word in these concepts because they are woven throughout. 

Jesus tells us that HE is the perfect representation of our Father in heaven. (Col. 1:15)

 John 14:6-7 NIV - Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

The Seven I Am's - Jesus Fulfilling Presence, Now and Always

Meditate on them for as long as they feed your soul. Watch for them as you read anywhere in the word. 

1. I am the bread of life. John 6:35, 48, 51.

2. I am the light of the world. John 8:12, 9:5.

3. I am the door of the sheep. John 10:7,9.

4. I am the good shepherd. John 10:11, 14.

5. I am the Resurrection and the life. John 11:25

6. I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6

7. I am the true vine. 

Each one of these 7 can be studied in depth, and they will cultivate the seed of God's word planted in our hearts.

They can each be prayed into our lives as well. 

This is spiritual meat and feasting at the banqueting table is beautiful fellowship with the Son and the Father in heaven. 

We come to know God through the Son. Partake of the Word of life and know him more.

Ephesians 1:17 
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

Laura Bovard


You Tube Video Teachings Link: HERE

Rumble Videos Link: HERE

Website Link: HERE 

I am available for speaking about the word of God and my vision experiences of heaven.

My books can be found on Amazon HERE

Both of these books are available in paperback and e-book. I have written two other books, a devotional book and a scriptural poetry book. You will see those available on amazon as well. 

These two are my visions books. 



We believe in God establishing the work of our hands in this life for God’s kingdom purposes. Our prayer is Matthew 6:10 that heaven come to earth as it is in heaven.

My husband and I met when we were children at the ages of 6 and 8. Both of our families were charter members of a Christian Church plant. We continued serving Jesus Christ after we were married and led our children in making Jesus #1 in our lives. Our ministry timeline over nearly 4 decades proves that!

1973- Both of our childhood families began a church in a suburb near K.C., MO. We bought land, set up a building, and started knocking on doors. We built a church from the ground up.

1973-1982- Since we both grew up in church building families, we learned to do what needed to be done for God.

1982-1984- Bible College for me. DeVry University for my fiancé.

1984- We married, and we moved away.

1987- We moved back home and began rebuilding our childhood church again. Our church needed young families and a fresh start!

1989 – 2002- My husband and I created and led a children’s church along with other church work: I lead worship, I cleaned the church, I co - directed years of Vacation Bible School as well as many Christmas programs. My husband served as a Deacon over the time our children were growing up.

2002 – We followed God with our teens to an inner-city church in K.C., MO., and our whole family began to work in the church there. All of us were baptized in the Holy Spirit and, wow, God really changed our lives!

2002-2004 My husband and I once again led the children’s church for two more years in the inner city, a whole new dynamic.

2005-2006- I began working in the church daycare.

2006 –2008- I was hired as the administrator of the inner-city church. I wore too many hats to mention, and my husband worked in maintenance for our church.

2008 – 2019- God called us to care for my husband’s elderly father who was living alone. In 2011 he fell and became an invalid, and my husband became the hands and feet of Jesus to his aging father. Meanwhile, I began to volunteer in our new church located in a rural town, while I finished up a teaching degree in a secular university. This period marked the dark valley of our Christian walk. It was the toughest season of all, but God leads us through the dark valleys, and that he did.

2016- I decided to journal my Bible studies and prayer time. The Holy Spirit began waking me at night and speaking to my heart. I also began praying for much longer periods of time.

2017 – I served on our church prayer team until March of 2020.

2018 – 2020 - God pulled me out of a secular workplace as a writing tutor for 7 years at a nearby college. God began to reset our nation, and I ministered to others by leading a devotional ministry Facebook group for many past friends and a few present friends. Prayer is my heart and God moved me to share what He was speaking whether it was popular or not. I still ministry on this platform. My page is called Laura Bovard – Author. Link:



2021- God led me to write a book which came from my secret place of prayer with my Father in heaven.

2022 – My first book was published in January of 2022 entitled Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healing and God’s Supernatural Help.

My second book was published in April of 2022 which is: Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions. You can find all my books on Amazon.

2023 – The Lord has positioned me with the pen of a ready writer (See Ps. 45:1), and I was led to publish a devotional book in January of 2023 which is entitled Living Water Devotional Journal.

I published my 4th book in July of 2023: Heavenly Visions and Divine Stories.

Please feel free to email us. Email address is:

Laura is available for public speaking of the Word and her Holy Spirit given visions.

Please email to request a speaking date. 

Charlton and Laura Bovard - Author


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