Prophetic Word - Prepare for Victory!

 I received this word on Aug. 22, 2023 PREPARE  FOR VICTORY!

The Lord said he's preparing for a sweeping victory across our land.
In every corner of this country truth shall prevail. In every dark place his light will shine.
Evil will hide no more. Captives will be set free and the lost will run into His arms in countless numbers.
God has determined that his righteous victory will sweep our land.
The great will become small and the small will be raised up.
Truth will shout Victory in our streets!
Justice will shout DONE in our courts!
Those who set their feet quickly into dark and evil deeds will be found out.
Heroes who stood their ground in extreme opposition and persecution for righteousness sake will receive great reward.
The eyes of children and adults will look to the Lord as their Savior.
This nation will arise with Victory Song and in popularity all over the world.
All over the world people will rejoice that Jehovah God stood against a dark and evil regime and WON!
Prepare yourselves. Prepare your hearts for sweeping Victory over this land.
The Lord Almighty has spoken!
So be it!
Isaiah 42:12-13
Let the whole world glorify the Lord ; let it sing his praise. The Lord will march forth like a mighty hero; he will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies.
Received by Laura Bovard


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