PROPHETIC VISION on Aug. 28, 2023

I saw the statue of Liberty and it was outlined in every detail with tiny, bright white lights. Then I heard the Lord say that America will shine once again. America's freedoms will shine once again.
Truth and justice will shine their light across this nation. Men, women and children of all ages will rejoice across this land. For justice and righteous shines as the noonday sun.
I then saw a bald eagle fly over the statue of liberty carrying a snake in its claws. He then dropped the snake into the fiery torch of the statue of liberty.
Evil and sinister plans have been eradicated, says the Lord God Almighty. Truth and justice will once again reign again in this land, and I will bring righteousness to every door step. (Every single person will see God's righteousness and will have the chance to follow God or not).
Righteousness will cry out "Freedom, freedom. America, the land of freedom!"
Evil will turn to good and those who practice evil will be thwarted by the people of the land.
Evil deeds will become unpopular and righteous deeds will shine with popularity.
Once again, My Covenant is established with the people of this nation. "Oh, protector of Israel."
I then saw 2 large wide open eyes appear in the sky near the statue of Liberty. God is peering down on our land and He is seeing righteousness, righteousness sown into the soil of the United States of America, and it makes His heart glad.
For his hosts have fought. They have fought underground and above ground in this land for truth and righteousness to reign. Evil plots have been put asunder and they are no more. And every treasonous act has been shut down.
I will punish those who committed treason against this land, for they are not in my will. They are against ME. They have contended with ME. They have challenged me. They will pay for challenging the Lord God Almighty.
Israel rejoices at your new truth! Freedom in the United States of America. Freedom in this land! They know that your freedom upholds theirs.
Do you hear the righteous drum beat? Do you hear the righteous drum beat rippling through the soil of the United States of America? This righteous drum beat will travel from coast to coast. Yes, my name will be heard in this drum beat for I have won, and I am Victorious over evil.
The winds of justice have blown and the enemy has had his face pushed into the soil. He is eating the dirt that he raised up against me, and that people have trampled upon. And now they are trampling upon him. He has been turned into dust (like chaff).
He tried to take my nation from me, the United States of America, but it is MINE because the people have called upon MY NAME in truth, righteousness and justice. They have repented, and they have turned from their wicked ways.
They have called out to my name for help. I, the Lord God Jehovah, have heard their desperate cry, and I am here to help them. I have sent my hosts underground and above ground to help my righteous people. They are righteous in MY NAME and through my Son. Their sin has been wiped clean with my Son's blood. They are soiled no more.
But the enemy is soiled and stained all over because of what he tried to do. He tried to rise up against me. He tried to make MY NAME mud, but I have made HIM mud.
His little frail crown is bent and shines no more. (Based on 2 Cor 4:4 - the little god of this world). My crown stands forever. MY crown is forever. My throne is forever, and he will not speak out against me in these days. His time is not yet.
The United States of America is mine, and I hold it in my right hand of protection. The times are not his yet. The times will not bend to his will.
I, the Lord God Almighty, have spoken. The United States of America is MINE.
They are my servants and hear my voice. I call their name and they say, "yes, Lord." Those people are MINE. I call them by MY name and they call My name.
So be it, says the Lord God of heaven above. Victory is mine, says the Lord.
Ps. 35:1-10, Ps. 138:7-8, Deut. 28:7-14


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