AUG. 30, 2023 A BEAUTIFUL VISION - FREEDOM ANGELS FROM HEAVEN! I was talking with my Father in heaven this morning and after about 30 minutes, I began to see into heaven... I saw chunks of multi - colored, transparent confetti falling from the sky there. The "confetti" floated down around a group of children who all looked to be about 6 - 7 years of age. The children were laughing and reaching up into the sky with both arms outstretched delighted to see the multi- colored confetti floating down from above their heads. The confetti appeared to be three dimensional and was sent by God in answer to their prayers. The children reached down to grab it and toss it back up into the air, but suddenly, a strong wind blew in from the Holy Spirit. The wind of God picked up every single piece of multicolored, transparent confetti and raised them into the sky above the children's heads. I watched as each beautiful transparent piece of confetti unfolded into an angel that was hover...