Word of Prophecy - Season Change

The Lord is speaking that the political and unruly season in our society as we know it is about to change.
The change will be for the better for those who look to the Lord and trust in him.
God's judgment is coming to rest upon the wickedness and deep wickedness of yesterday and today.
He is raising his right arm of judgment with the gavel of truth.
No man or woman shall pass through his courts without a just verdict rendered.
Look not to the right or left, but look ONLY to the Lord God above for forgiveness and unmerited grace and mercy.
God is judging hearts all over this world and they will soon learn that Jehovah is God.
No other god is God. No other God can be God. There is only One.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by him.
Trust in Jehovah at this hour. Rest in Him. He will complete the season change in a timely fashion.
The season of the wicked will flourish no more.
The season of the righteous shall flourish, and flourish and flourish.
It is not time for rapture, the Lord says.
That is still yet to come.
It is time for global shaking and spiritual reshaping.
This spiritual reshaping will effect all areas of our lives.
God's hands are crafting it at this hour.
Do not fear. A great spiritual awakening is here.
Many lost and prodigal will find their way home into my arms of grace.
I will kiss them with delight as now is the hour for redemption.
The hour of redemption, reshaping, and a resurgence of truth is upon this nation and it will gurgle across the ocean with the voice of many waters calling all men and women to repent and cry out for Jehovah God to save them.
Listen, listen close, tell your neighbor, tell you unsaved friends, tell your banker and your law maker, Jesus saves!
Jesus saves and his truth is here. The hour is here that marks a season change for truth. Spiritual Awakening is spreading across this land like a wild fire.
God is a consuming fire. (purifying)
Either men and women will be filled with the fire of God or the judgment of God will fall and burn up the chaff and it will be blown away in the wind.
Great deeds of evil will be forgotten. Truth shall prevail.
Kings of the earth will call upon my name and inquire about the times.
Judgment is here and reward us here.
Which side do you stand on?
Which name do you call upon in the dark hour?
Which name is salvation and truth?
Which name?
The Lord God of Hosts has spoken. The season change is at hand.


Laura Bovard

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#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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