Prophetic Vision - The End of September

To God be ALL the Glory!

Waiting upon the Lord is extremely important. He stands outside time and he can speak about any time how chooses. He is known to speak anywhere along the timeline of life and he doesn't always speak through the Holy Spirit in chronological order, even in one prayer session, unless he makes it clear he is doing so.

There is much to learn about receiving prophetic word that the church in general has put away and not taught for many years now.

I've been receiving prophetic word since 2003 and spend hours in prayer and reading the word.
Relationship with Jesus Christ is what it's all about, and that has faded over the years in the church as well.

We need to get back to believing the entire word of God, living by it, honoring him above all else and listening to his voice. God tells us his sheep hears his voice.

If you are not hearing his voice, then I would wonder if you are a sheep. Do not doubt others just because you do not hear from the Holy Spirit.
John 16:13 tells us that the Holy Spirit tells us things to come.
Here is what I received...
August 6, 2020
I have seen a calendar and I have seen the month of September for a few days now. I have been asking the Lord what this is.
The end days of the month of September are blotted out in white. I asked the Lord what that meant. He spoke that they are the days that truth will be revealed. There is a revelation of truth coming from heaven over our land. Praise God! It is a tumultuous unveiling of evil.
God is unveiling darkness that has been prevailing for a long time. The people’s eyes will be opened to the darkness of trickery and deception that has permeated our land. God is good.
God’s light reveals truth. What has been hiding in darkness will rise to the surface and reveal itself! The times will look bleak to our eyes, but God’s eyes see it as an unveiling of darkness and victory ahead!
The Lord says:
“Because of the prayers of the saints, darkness will be unveiled and my light will shine over the land revealing the darkest schemes and strategies of the enemy against righteousness.
There will be no more hiding. Sin will be unveiled and found standing with shaking knees and quivering in the aftermath.
I have spoken. The end days of September will draw darkness out of its hiding places, and the people will see with my eyes the truth that has been hidden for so long. Truth will prevail.”
Psalm 94:14-15
For the Lord will not forsake his people;
he will not abandon his heritage;
15 for justice will return to the righteous,
and all the upright in heart will follow it.
Word of knowledge and vision…
Be prepared. God’s armies of angels are rushing in upon the earth to fight for justice. They are coming fortified with the word and valor (fearlessness).
They are fighting on behalf of God’s children who have been praying and petitioning God for help in this time of need. I see warring angels standing upright in the air holding swords of truth pointing upward. They are ready! They are ready! They are ready and commissioned to do the Lord’s will!
Be aware that God is moving and He tells me that it is at just the right time. He is waging war on the darkness that has prevailed for a time in this land. God is moving forward in truth.
Results of the battle:
We will notice a remarkable change! There will be a change for good and God’s light will come pouring in upon the landscape and political make up of our land.
God reminds me that when the battle is at its ugliest, that is when HIS righteous light is pouring in. Darkness is being made known. Be made aware. Be made aware that the battle will be raging, but God will be prevailing. Rejoice in his victory! Before you see it, rejoice his victory! The Lord has already won! Rejoice in God’s victory!
(It will look ugly and dark, but God is fighting and he will prevail)
DO NOT FEAR! Rejoice in the unveiling and thank God that his warring angels have come to face the darkness in a climactic battle for VICTORY!

Blessings, Laura Bovard

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Facebook Page: Laura Bovard - Author. Click Here to access in a new window.
Rumble Channel Laura Bovard with short videos of encouragement from the Bible. Click Here to access my Rumble Channel.

My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

Link to my Amazon page. Click Here to go to Amazon.

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