The Truth Will Prevail

I woke at 1:30 a.m. on 9-19-2022. The Lord said this 1 sentence with emphasis on each word: I shall take back all with my great sword (of truth and justice). Then, I heard this morning just minutes ago on 9-22-22 this: My reset is here. The whole world will know that I AM the Lord God Jehovah. No one will be able to deny. Kings will fall and some nations will be shattered. Other kings will rise to authority in my name. The truth will prevail. There is much turmoil coming for those who do not trust in my name. Their anguish will lead them to seek me. I have pressed them on all sides to call me Lord. Some will. Some will not. There are many good days ahead. Righteousness is the path of this nation. I will stall, put aside, and disengage the plans of those who want to tear America down. Praise God. That confirms a word I got just days ago that the Lord said he is stalling the work of AI. (Artificial Intelligence)
The Lord is speaking strongly against the AI movement.
Toying with humans' DNA and brain function to turn people into slaves and some type of super humans for armies is a ditto of Satan Toying with the human race before the flood.
Research Genesis 6: 1-8.

Received by Laura Bovard

Laura Bovard

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#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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