Prophetic Vision: God's Winnowing Fire From Heaven!

 I was praying and saw this vision on September 19, 2020

I saw an angel standing in a position much like the Statue of Liberty and overlooking the New York Harbor in the same place. He was holding up a torch in his right hand. I saw his long flowing wavy, golden hair to his waist and the bottom of the white robe he wore was rippling in the wind.

Upon command by God in heaven the angel of the Lord reached down and touched the fiery torch to the earth. The fire caught quickly and spread fast like a dry prairie fire over the U.S.

I saw it grow out over the surface of the ground and blanket specific areas of the United States as if it were choosing sections to burn and purify like a farmer would burn off fields. I knew in my heart it was a “winnowing fire from heaven.” 

It was a fire of the Lord meant to burn off chaff and the places where God had dredged out the lies of the enemy found deep in the mire of our nation’s soil; a fire of spiritual cleansing.

I then heard a prolonged call from heaven above in the blue sky that seemed to vibrate through my inner core. It was a heavenly herald meant to send a message to the earth, intended to be heard first by the United States, and then by all other nations. The call was a sound off of God’s righteousness.

God told my heart that his winnowing fire was making its way through the thick, wicked atmosphere of sin and perversity (crooked, corrupt and sexually immoral) in the United States. 

It had occupied the land and had grown worse over the course of many years. I knew in my spirit that people from the past had made an agreement with spiritual darkness years ago, and we were now seeing the gross (obvious and glaring) manifestation of the strategies of the enemy working through people of today in our land who intended to destroy our nation by tearing it apart through division.

I knew that the devil’s strategy involved a slow and calculative scheme that placed what seemed like pieces of a puzzle into an alternate picture of our nation much different from its picture in the past. The scheme took time and now the nation’s landscape was riddled with sin’s tangible presence.

When I heard the elongated call from heaven my heart also felt a reverence due the Holy One who resides there. My heart leaped when I heard the prolonged call from heaven of the Lord most High. I felt hope. I felt joy. I felt a purification in the atmosphere. I felt satisfaction mingled with weeping and sorrow but also righteous vindication and truth prevailing. It was a holy shout that left hope ringing in the air for those whose eyes are fixed on the Lord. The hope rang out for those whose prayers have reached heaven.

Help was here. Hope was here. God was near and my heart leaped in grateful thanks that God was manifesting his saving grace to the earth on behalf of those who intercede and call upon his name.

I watched as the fire spread across our nation and reached the ocean borders. The outstretched and low lying flames leaped right off the land and crept over the surface of the ocean waters with ease as if it were a short distance to crawl, and the fire was never quenched.

The low lying flames reached far away soils in all directions and quickly progressed over distant lands and eventually the entire earth. God’s fire was winnowing the wicked chaff all over the earth. The consuming fire of the Lord was burning off the evil deeds and plans of evil people on the earth and even under the earth’s surface. If this did not take place, the earth would fall into destruction due to sin. The prayers of the righteous are highly effective, the Lord let me know.

The fire reached down into hidden holes dug into the earth where evil was spoken and plotted. It seemed that evil darkness could not hide anywhere from the purifying fire of God. I saw it climb into business offices and laboratories, hospitals and clinics, educational facilities and the houses of the poor, middle class, and the rich.

God was making a statement. No evil will prevail. No evil is exempt. I heard those words three times, no evil is exempt, no evil is exempt, no evil is exempt! The meaning of the words hit me in two different ways. 

I realized that some had chosen a very evil path in life without God. At the same time, I realized that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (see Romans 3:23) The brevity of the words momentarily took my breath away.

Then, I heard a different voice. I heard a slowly spoken somber announcement from heaven delivered in a methodical rhythm, “God is turning the tide of all nations by way of the United States”. I saw the low lying fire of God moving over the ocean and turning the ocean waters from a deep grey color to a sparkling blue color starting with the waters that border our nation.

God’s fire was “turning the tide of evil” beginning with our nation. The sparkling blue color went out over all the ocean waters and reached other lands. Praise God! There’s hope! There is hope for the people of the whole world to turn back to God, to repent and turn away from evil hearts and evil hands. There is hope for righteousness to prevail over the earth. Prayer is effective! Prayer is effective!

I knew that what I was being told is the heart of God

Turn, turn, I heard the ocean waters gurgle and speak all over the earth. “Turn, turn,” the waters spoke. God spoke through the waters on the earth. Turn back to God and don’t look behind you. Look ahead and look up to the heavens where hope reigns. God wants to bless. He wants to bless the nations of the earth. He wants to bring all peoples into his future heavenly abode.

I saw clearly our Father God sitting on his throne in the sky above the waters that cover the earth. He had both arms outstretched and he was pleading with the nations to turn from their wicked schemes against each other.

I then heard the call from another voice in heaven that spoke God’s heart. It was a higher pitched and thin call from afar that sounded like it came through an instrument. It said, “Repent, Repent! Repent at the sight of the holy fire of God on the earth. Repent all you nations and come back with your hearts to the Lord who sits on the throne in heaven and looks down on the earth and over the waters. Repent for the return of his Son is drawing nigh”!

Then, I saw God seated on his throne in the sky. He was bending forward. He was visibly blessing all the nations of the earth by throwing kisses with both hands to cover the earth with his holy kisses and his blessing. He is smiling and his countenance is visibly full of love despite the wickedness that reigns for a time and prevails for a time in the earth’s spiritual atmosphere.

What a beautiful God of mercy. God is looking down and watching over all men and women on the earth. Pray, believers, pray for hearts to turn to God, pray for prodigals to turn back to God and pray for righteousness to prevail once again in the streets, in the nations and all over the earth in Jesus' mighty name!

Then, I hear a final statement given from God’s heart to all believers:

“Pray for the peace of my people in Jerusalem”.

I saw God sitting on his throne vanish upward with a wisp of white streaks in the blue sky, and the fire over the waters vanished as quickly as it came. All was swallowed up and gone. It was a look into the spiritual atmosphere of the earth. God was dealing with wickedness over the surface of the earth beginning with the United States because of the prayers of the saints. Keep praying! 

Laura Bovard

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My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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