Yesterday was Quite the Day!

 July 23, 2022 Yesterday was Quite the Day!

I'm sharing what happened to our family yesterday preceded by scripture.
Jesus said whoever believes in him will do the works he's been doing. He did not say only the apostles, only for a short time, or only a select few will do these things.
He said, "whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater works than these"
(John 14:12).
Remember, Jesus spoke only what he heard his Father in heaven commanded him to say John 14:29.
The word "greater" in John 14:12 in Greek is meg' as, and the meaning is wide spread, which means the works of Jesus Christ will be done on a far more wide spread scale than he did.
Who can do a greater work than raising someone from the dead? The meaning of greater is on a WIDE SCALE in the Greek.
And that is exactly what has happened down through history.
Today, America has sent many missionaries across the ocean and into remote places with the Gospel and the Holy Spirit helping them.
In Matthew 11:5 Jesus says he gives sight to the blind, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.
Jesus performed all these miracles because he was anointed with the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah prophesied about this anointing on the Messiah.
Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor, he has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness the prisoners, ...
Now remember, Jesus said we believers will do the same, and scripture teaches that we also have an anointing from the Holy One as written in I John 2:20.
With those scriptures shared, now, I will tell you why my family believes in the work of the Gospel and what happened yesterday, because it was quite the day.
OUR STORY - JULY 22, 2022
Yesterday was Quite the Day!
We ran many errands and decided to make it a family fun day.
We dropped off a car load of donations, then we decided to look around the store for small treasures.
I came across a worker who was sorting Dvds and asked him a question.
He was joyful about his work and very helpful. After he answered my question, he referred me to the book section. He said he saw a book earlier by the makers of the DVD I was interested in.
Suddenly, the idea just flooded my mind to tell him I'm an author. WHAT!?!
I knew the Lord was speaking. He was redirecting my conversation with this fellow who needed Jesus in his life.
So, I told him I was an author. Of course, the fellow asked me, with new interest, "What do you write about?"
In 1-2 sentences I told him about my book of visions that I received during prayer.
If you think that doesn't take faith, you're wrong. I never know how people are going to respond. Jesus has the wheel at this point.
He immediately said, religion. I told him, not so much religion, but relationship with God.
I knew I caught his ear.
He then began to open up and tell me how he "never could catch religion." He said he had tried many times.
He kept using the phrase "catch religion", so I decided to ask him what he meant by "catch religion".
The guy responded, he could never feel it. He'd tried many times, but he never could feel God. He said it didn't even feel like God was there at all.
Then he mentioned that he didn't believe about Jesus and all that.
I instantly discerned a couple of things. He was choosing not to believe AND ...
The Holy Spirit led my heart to know he was dealing with a spiritual stronghold sown in his mind from the past. I knew by the Holy Spirit that that was Satan's plan against his life, to bind his mind not to believe when he heard.
I followed the H.S.
I just said what came to mind.
I told him, "Well, you know how to find him? Every day, you say 1 prayer and ask, "God are you there? Ask him to reveal himself to you."
The scripture says, he who seeks God will find him.
He said he had done that and just couldn't seem to catch it.
Then he said, every time he got 2 words in he got distracted.
Right there brought me the understanding that he was dealing with mind binding spirits, distraction, and a spirit of confusion.
Next thing out of his mouth was he was confused.
Once again, I stated what the Holy Spirit led me to state.
I said, "God hears 2 words."
(He does more than that. He hears our thoughts, our heart.)
I knew it made an impact on him.
The conversation naturally closed out. I was already praying silently for him, and walked off as he said, "let me know if you need any more help"
He was not offended. He was not off set. It was a very natural conversation.
I felt in my heart that I should make his salvation a matter of prayer.
I knew God would follow up after our conversation.
I found my tribe and headed off to the restroom.
A very tall, well- dressed, elegant lady was behind me as I walked in.
God's prompting for my next endeavor was in the making.
She ended up getting stuck inside her stall.
A number of thoughts ran through my mind, and I noticed the door was only about 8 to 10 inches off the floor, so the idea of crawling out seemed slim. She was very tall.
I thought, "I'm gonna have to help her."
I told her I was going to try on my side of the door to help her. I tried to turn the silver ring and I banged on, anything to get her out.
She started banging on the inside and turning and after 5 full minutes the lock moved and dropped free.
When she came out she said the same thing happened to her husband when they were in Italy.
She said no one could understand English to help them and the door went to the floor. I thought, "It's strange that this happens to them."
Wow! Well, I was glad I could help and my day went on. I never shared either incident with my family.
Hours later the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance those two things that took place in the morning and he spoke into my heart, "You've been sent to set the captive free". For the remainder of the day he would say those words to me every so often as a directive, "set the captive free."
Later that evening, I told my husband about the fellow I spoke with.
Then, I shared about the lady locked in the stall.
My daughter walked into the room and shared how she had helped another lady who was locked in the stall too.
Our thought processes through the each ordeal were so similar we were rolling in laughter about it.
But only 1 thing truly mattered; each lady was set free.
We know God used our day to help people, and he really stressed to my heart the importance that following up in prayer would produce his good and final results - salvation.
I was sure in my heart about it.
I am continuing to pray for them.
God's will is that not 1 should perish, and the thought of anyone tortured in hell for eternity makes me face any inhibition to stepping out and sharing the Gospel in a simple way as I go about my day.
Always have an ear bent to God's cues and voice.
Every time God uses you will not be what you thought it would be. It will be how HE thought it would be, if you follow him.
Be willing. We all talk about so much other stuff, meaningless stuff, really.
It's time to commit to talking about Jesus Christ. He commissioned it.
The fields are white for harvest.
Take people to heaven with you.
Yesterday was Quite the Day.
Note: I am compiling a book of TRUE stories such as this. A number of them are not about mentioning Christ or the Gospel directly.
They are all true, thought provoking or absolutely hilarious.
My goal in writing this book is to point out how God works in all of our lives on a daily basis and in very simple ways.
I hope to finish it before Christmas.
It would make a great gift as it resembles a chicken soup type feeling, but with a short reference to God after each story.
The book is intended to be a witnessing tool with the message in each story:
Look to God. Acknowledge his hand in your life and thank him for all he's done, leading a person to seek him and think about their relationship with him.
Have a blessed day!

Contact Information Below:

Facebook Page: Laura Bovard - Author. Click Here to access in a new window.
Rumble Channel Laura Bovard with short videos of encouragement from the Bible. Click Here to access my Rumble Channel.

My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

Link to my Amazon page. Click Here to go to Amazon.


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