Yesterday was Quite the Day!
July 23, 2022 Yesterday was Quite the Day! I'm sharing what happened to our family yesterday preceded by scripture. Enjoy! Jesus said whoever believes in him will do the works he's been doing. He did not say only the apostles, only for a short time, or only a select few will do these things. He said, "whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater works than these" (John 14:12). Remember, Jesus spoke only what he heard his Father in heaven commanded him to say John 14:29. The word "greater" in John 14:12 in Greek is meg' as, and the meaning is wide spread, which means the works of Jesus Christ will be done on a far more wide spread scale than he did. Who can do a greater work than raising someone from the dead? The meaning of greater is on a WIDE SCALE in the Greek. And that is exactly what has happened down through history. Today, America has sent many missionaries across the ocean and into remote places with...