Prophetic Word for the United States - Revival and Recompense!

AWESOME Prophetic Word I received on 7-6-2022

Rise up, oh Eagle! Rise up!
Catch the next wind (H.S.) current of God and Rise up!
You are destined to be great among all the nations. GOD watched you Rise from birth, and he will not watch you fall anymore.
He is watching from far above and anointing your Rise. God is aiding you in battle for truth.
The mouths of the Gospel bearers to the world will NOT be shut. (America)
I AM the God who shuts the mouths of the lions in dens, the lions of destruction. These are the mouths I shut (Daniel 6:24).
Lying will cease to dominate and dictate your land. I am bringing Truth back. I am restoring your money (his people who are faithful in giving to God). I am restoring your leadership influence in the world.
I am restoring truth and justice. I am restoring righteousness.
I see the blood of my precious children in slaughter no more.
My heart is delighted at the turn around.
I have snatched the ruling hand of the slaughter of my children, and I hold it back.
I am delighted about this truth and justice.
Remain close to me. Hear my heart. I am coming to restore your nation.
You will see wickedness flaunt its pride and rebellion in the streets against me no more. (lgbtq and lawlessness)
I am turning the hearts of the lost. They will cry out desperately for the healing of their souls (Romans 10:13).
They will shed their clothes of wickedness and put on Christ ( Romans 13:14).
They will dance in the streets, for freedom has set them free.
It will be a contagious joy that fills your land.
People will turn their heads a second time to see the Spirit of Joy display itself through the youth (teens to 25 or 30, generally) in this nation.
God is restoring his young adults and those who have begun a faulty path in early adulthood. Restoration of my youth and youth influencers has already begun.
God is good.
I am placing wealth in the hands of the adults who love me.
I am placing highly influential wealth in God's people of their 40's and older (Proverbs 13:22).
Watch them turn this country and the world upside down for me.
They are the crowd that the devil will have to contend with.
He set up this new incoming scenario without realizing.
The youth are speaking my Gospel with fire and fervor while the adults of God (meaning age and spiritually mature, 40's plus who love him) are funding the path and changing the world.
The monetary influence of the world has been in the hands of the wicked (those who hate God and work against him) for far too long.
I am re - funding (bringing money and financial recompense) my people for the sake of my Gospel and my truth to permeate every small space (nook and cranny) of the world.
Yes, the truth of my Son will be told to all nations large and small, preparing souls for the end call.
When my mighty and final shout fills the earth, all knees will bow and God will gather his children by the four winds of the earth from every small place.
Oh yes, I, the Lord God Almighty, have spoken these words to you (via his Holy Spirit).
Now pray! Pray, my people! Pray!
For the enemy is relentless in his network of evil plans through the hearts of wicked men and women.
I praise God for this word.
Keep your hearts open to the move of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Read the word of God with your heart.

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#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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Laura Bovard

Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.


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