Psalm 118.
Psalm 80:7
"Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved."
The family unit is coming back together. God is softening hearts and soothing old regrets.
Father and son will join hands once again. Mother and daughter will embrace once again.
Siblings will put aside their differences and will be awakened to ungodly obstacles that have hindered or torn apart sisterhood and brotherhood.
God is reuniting and reestablishing the Family Unit in America.
God wants to see a strong America from the family to the church to godly business partners, and even to the moral minded leadership in our government.
He wants to see the righteousness stand strong in American culture.
God is unveiling wicked actions and deals on every level. God knows the heart of each person.
Some will repent, and some will go down in a fury of rebellion. Our job is to pray, God says.
God wants full agreement with his Word across this nation.
No laws should ever reflect injustice or unrighteousness, God tells my heart.
God is changing the hearts of lawmakers to abide by HIS standards and not to enforce ungodly and evil standards on the people.
He is replacing those who do not agree with him and his Word, those who stood time and time again in direct opposition to biblical morals and standards in this nation. They will be swept away from their seat.
Their voices will become weak and unheard. Their status will fall, and they will become nobody in terms of political importance and represent nothing to fight for with embarrassment on their brow and a stifled tongue in their mouth.
God means business. He has heard the righteous prayers of his elect and HIS WILL will now be seen in the courts!
Unjust judges will suddenly retire or just leave the bench due to the righteous pressures of God's right hand of justice and they will be seen no more. Their corrupt decisions will be heard no more. God is purifying the gavel in our nation. Praise God!
He says,
For a nation of just laws reflects the morals of the nation and right relationship with God.
Stand by and watch the turn of statistics in the deaths and the rampant use of illegal drugs, BUT NOT UNDER THIS ADMINSTRATION, says the Lord, under a NEW one coming, says the Lord Almighty.
My new governmental administration will put an end to the violence and business dealings of illegal drugs and trafficking, says the Lord in Heaven above.
I have heard the massive outcry of my people to save the children, the women and the weak of this nation and it will be so.
I am bringing in a leadership group of people on the top level (govt) that will work by my Holy Spirit and execute a plan that will destroy the largest percentage of this wicked venture that has ever been seen before. A plan of success, says the Lord in Heaven above!
This eradication of evil activity will shine a righteous light on this nation and turn hearts and heads to God, family, morals, and righteous living.
The Lord reminds me that there will always live among us those who choose to live by their own evil enticements, but God is reestablishing a righteous nation of our country again. Once again our nation will be revered among nations on the earth, says the Lord Almighty!
Churches will overflow with members and rejoicing will be heard in this land.
God has a special heart to reach out to Muslims and show them HE is God and who his Son is, Jesus Christ.
There will be an onset of supernatural activity from heaven where Jesus will be revealed to the hearts of Muslim people who are lost in their way.
Witchcraft will be all but shut out. God is lifting his hand against witchcraft. He hates this rebellion, and He is striking out against it.
He tells me his actions are equivalent to a nation tearing down its ashterah polls in ancient times. The peoples' hearts have cried out for help and they are turning their eyes and hearts to Him.
God is well pleased with this outcome when the day comes that witchcraft will be muted across this land.
(God can speak in all time frames)
Word to His Children to PRAISE HIM FOR HIS HELP!
Remember His strong arm of justice.
Remember His long and strong battle against evil and the plotted take over of your land, your churches, your lives (covid), livelihoods, and freedoms.
Remember what I have done for your nation and turn to me with grateful hearts of PRAISE!
Never forget. Never forget, that this nation teetered on the edge of the cliff escaping the fall to demonic rule.
Never forget that you are Mine. You are my children whom I love. You are my sheep. You are my people, and I AM your God.
I established your nation. I gave you this land to worship Me and be a light to the world.
My hand was at the helm of the boats. My hand has helped make this nation great. Satan has always tried to steal it.
His plan to devastate this land and its people has failed.
I AM the VICTOR, says the Lord Almighty. I AM the VICTOR who will re-establish righteous rule in your land again!
You will soon see an overturn of leadership. My righteous laws will abide.
The evil has spun out. Their atrocious plans are no more.
Their whaling and crying is heard in the night. They know their doom is near.
My UNITED STATES of America will become United in righteousness once again.
I am bringing the core unit of the family back together in a huddle of love.
Prodigals will come running to embrace their loved ones and their God, Jehovah.
Hope will be restored in this nation.
I AM HOPE, says the Lord God Almighty.
It has taken my hand to restore this nation. You are on your way.
Look not to naysayers (media and even unbelieving people speaking that our nation is doomed) Their voices of tragedy and harm are intended to fight MINE (fueled by the enemy).
The Media of this nation will be held accountable for every untrue word that has been spoken. Rest assured. They will be held accountable.
God is placing righteous news sources in this nation that will override the ungodly.
God is making our way ahead to a nation of truth and justice.
Praise him! Praise him for his righteous work that he has set in place! Praise him for his goodness and his love for all people. Praise him for his mercy and grace. Praise him from your hearts and live in praise to the Almighty God who comes to save!
Hallelujah! AMEN! So be it!
The Lord has given Psalm 118 as scriptural text for this word:
Psalm 118
Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good; his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the Lord say: “His love endures forever.” When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord ; he brought me into a spacious place. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes. All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I cut them down. They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the Lord I cut them down. They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the Lord I cut them down. I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation.
The Lord is helping America as He has helped Israel in the past.
As believers, we are engrafted into the vine of Abraham. Romans 11:17-32.

FB Page: Click on my name. Laura Meyer Bovard


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