Oct. 29, 2023 GOD GIVES A WORD ABOUT THE RESTORATION OF THE FAMILY AND OUR NATION! - Psalm 118. Psalm 80:7 "Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved." WORD: The family unit is coming back together. God is softening hearts and soothing old regrets. Father and son will join hands once again. Mother and daughter will embrace once again. Siblings will put aside their differences and will be awakened to ungodly obstacles that have hindered or torn apart sisterhood and brotherhood. God is reuniting and reestablishing the Family Unit in America. God wants to see a strong America from the family to the church to godly business partners, and even to the moral minded leadership in our government. He wants to see the righteousness stand strong in American culture. God is unveiling wicked actions and deals on every level. God knows the heart of each person. Some will repent, and some will go down in a fury of rebellion. Our job is to pray, God says. God...