A Call to Kneel in Prayer for Victory - Prophetic Word

The Lord is impressing upon my heart that it's time to kneel in prayer and intercede for our nation. Darkness is trying to make a last grasp for control and lead the people into fear and trembling. Pray a stop to his agenda. Do not cater to what the enemy has planned. Stand on the Word of God and pray in the Spirit. Pray for all wickedness to be exposed by the light of God's righteousness. "Move into a strong prayer mode, my Warriors," says the Lord. It is time to rise up again and fight in the Spirit for Truth to prevail. Pray for the children. Pray for the hands and the gavels of wicked men and women to be stopped and cut off from their evil works. Pray for the prodigal to return home. Pray for the weak to receive strength from God. Pray for the sick to become well. Pray for the weary NOT to lose HOPE in the LORD! My voice is speaking justice all over this land. Justice in the streets. Justice in the courts. Justice in law enforcement. J...