Word of Prophecy - Season Change

The Lord is speaking that the political and unruly season in our society as we know it is about to change. The change will be for the better for those who look to the Lord and trust in him. God's judgment is coming to rest upon the wickedness and deep wickedness of yesterday and today. He is raising his right arm of judgment with the gavel of truth. No man or woman shall pass through his courts without a just verdict rendered. Look not to the right or left, but look ONLY to the Lord God above for forgiveness and unmerited grace and mercy. God is judging hearts all over this world and they will soon learn that Jehovah is God. No other god is God. No other God can be God. There is only One. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by him. Trust in Jehovah at this hour. Rest in Him. He will complete the season change in a timely fashion. The season of the wicked will flourish no more. The season of the righteous shall flourish, and flourish and ...