WORD: Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. Joshua 21:45

 July 31, 2022

Joshua 21:45

Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

Give thanks to God for every good word he has fulfilled in your life.
This will renew your faith in what God is doing today and the future of this country.
Look about you. Grim to your earthly eyes, huh?
Whatever looks bad, God is turning around. Choose to see as HE sees.
Do your part when God asks you to stand on his word. Stand for righteousness.
Do not take a back seat to the screaming, ungodly and wicked agenda of satan.
This huge wheel of injustice, ungodliness, and evil is beginning to turn in the direction toward God.
The Lord says he is casting plots back on those who plotted.
Stop listening to the nay sayer news delivered by those who don't know God.
When God says he is working on justice, he is working on justice.
This is a very good thing. And I have known in my spirit for a long time now that God is working out justice on ALL levels.
He is Working on justice from the TOP (nationally) to the bottom so to speak, inside the sphere of influence of your very life.
God cares about justice on EVERY level, so however you have been wronged, God is bringing recompense. Thank him in advance.
Be aware, nationally, that there are still plots in the making. We need to pray and stand against overreach and upcoming viruses. This is the battle to win.
Don't be fearful. Be strong. Speak Psalm 91 and the blood of Jesus over your family and your life.
Begin to purge your life of sin and wrongdoing, evil thoughts, cheating, retaliation, fear and relying upon money, others, alcohol, and superstitious beliefs to help you. God has been waiting to be YOUR GOD and the ONLY GOD of your life.
Rely on him. Learn his word. Obey his word. Trust in his lead. Look only to him in all things.
Put away subtle forms of darkness that cloud your soul.
Give your tithe to the Lord faithfully.
StOP talking about what your eyes see and start talking about what God’s eyes see by faith in his word.
We need to remember that not one good word of the Lord will fail concerning this nation. We need to believe in his word.
There are far more FOR us, which is the army hosts of God, than there are against us.
God is reaching out with a hand of judgment and discipline to RESET this nation.
What is happening now is a picture on a small scale of what's to come in the future. Do not be afraid, but stand for Christ.
GOD wants all eyes on HIM.
He wants what is GOOD for our country and lives.
He wants his children to rise up and occupy the land.
He wants Christians in leadership positions, positions of influence with sound godly judgment establishing godly order.
This is how we partner with God to bring his will to earth as it is in heaven. Matt. 6:10.
We also pray it.
Pray in alignment with the word, and those prayers affect the spiritual atmosphere.
They call things that are not as though they be.
Do not speak doom and gloom. Speak LIFE to each other and over the U.S.
Be strong for God.
Of course the enemy wants you to think everything is wasted, wrecked, wicked and hopeless. He wants humans to suffer.
But Jesus looked out over the wickedness in his time by the Roman rule and the cold stony hearts of temple leaders, the sick and poor without God, and he said the fields are white for harvest.
God's will is for the Gospel to go to the people next door to you and those across the seas.
God's will is for the message of Jesus Christ to be shared with whomever he leads you to in a moment of time.
We have done that with our neighbors and continue to pray that God nurture that seed in all their acquaintances and events in their lives.
If God is calling you to move to another location, then move. There is a godly reason.
If God is calling you to volunteer, run for office, take a new position, be a leader, or be a prayer warrior - do it!
If God is calling you to adopt children, form a new business, be a missionary, or become an ample giver out of your financial blessing to his kingdom work, then do it.
Get baptized in the Holy Spirit, so you can experience empowerment from on high to do the work God expects.
Pray for the sick and those shackled with dark spirits. Minister to the hopeless.
The fields are ripe for harvest.
God is calling. His children need to rise up and answer the call with a willing heart.
Praise him.
We serve a God whose good words never fail.
Our nation is turning. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep standing on his righteous word in the schools, the courts, your neighborhood, and in every sphere of influence in your life.
God is with you.
God is able and he WANTS this nation strong for him!
The hosts of God on the ground far outnumber the evil ranks.
Be strong in the Lord and the power of his might!

Laura Bovard

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My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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Laura Bovard

Copyright © laurabovard.blogspot.com 2022. All rights reserved.


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