Are you Following God's Holy Spirit?

Moses' punishment for striking the rock the second time and turning a deaf ear to God's voice is a type and shadow of what God will do when his voice through the Holy Spirit in this day and age is ignored or disregarded as God. 

Numbers 20:9-12

So Moses took the staff from the Lord’s presence, just as he commanded him. 10 He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” 11 Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank.

12 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”

Are you on board with what God is doing through his Holy Spirit?
Just because a child of God has never experienced an aspect of God before doesn't mean they have a right or the authority to belittle it, discredit it, mock it, ignore it, or call it null and void as something God does not use or never will use again - such as prophecy.
For a lack of knowledge my people perish says the Lord in Hosea 4:6.
Moses was severely punished for taking un-granted authority in establishing HOW God would provide water for the people and in anger struck the rock, because that was the way he was familiar with that God provided before.
God is God, and he is all- wise, all powerful and always present.
God chooses his methods and his plan and we draw nigh to him in relationship to know what he is doing and how he wants it done.
He can choose a new way or something unfamiliar to us and we should be on board in full surrender.
Paul learned that lesson the hard way. He went to the point of murdering people who had listened to God and were embracing truth, God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, which was called The Way at that time. Paul was hunting those people down and murdering them. Wow!
Peter in Acts 10 was given a vision about God intending his Gospel for all people of the world, not just the Jews. What a shock to the Jewish way of thinking at that time because God had revealed himself to only that nation.
God had separated his people all through time before and called the Israelites chosen, but now he was revealing that the intended plan all along was to include all other people through Jesus Christ- surprise!
Would you have been on board? Are you on board now with God using the gift of prophetic word to aid, instruct and guide his people through these tough times?
I'm not talking about people who speak words of prediction hat contradict God's word, I'm talking about people who speak by the power of God's Holy Spirit and are telling us things to come in accordance with the Bible (John 14:26).
Are you on board with what God is doing? Are you listening?
Is the main stream media your guide or God and his word and his prophetic utterances by the Holy Spirit?

2 Chronicles 20:20 tells us to have faith in his prophets and you will be successful. It would be very unwise to shut out God's help in these times through prophetic word and find out the hard way that his word written then applied to now and today as well.
God said his word is eternal and its transcendent through all time. It is applicable, truthful, inerrant and full of wisdom. God's word is profitable and never fails.
Do not pitch out what you don't understand or have never experienced before. That is disrespectful to God.
Relationship is all about finding out by searching truth in the word of God and growing deeper. Hanging on to traditional teaching that does not reflect the truth of the word is a dangerous path to follow.
Trust in the Lord and his word and you shall be saved.
Tougher times are coming. That is why I share this timely warning NOT to negate prophetic utterances from the Holy Spirit.

If you feel you have done this just ask for forgiveness and ask God to lead you by his Holy Spirit so you can be on board with what and how he is working in your days right now.

Father in heaven,
Forgive me when I have not acknowledged your voice by the Holy Spirit. I want to have real time faith and follow you as closely as I can. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Laura Bovard

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My 2 new books can be found on Amazon

#1 Divine Encounters: True Accounts of Heaven, Healings and God's Supernatural Help

#2 Poems of the Cross, the Secret Place of Prayer and Heavenly Visions

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Laura Bovard

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