Prophetic Word - You Need Only to be Still

YOU NEED ONLY TO BE STILL- PROPHETIC WORD Received on January 17, 2024 Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” These were God's words just before he parted the Red Sea. Don't plant your eyes and ears on the false prophets of the MSM Place your eyes on the ALMIGHTY, and you will see the great deliverance of this nation. GOD is fighting for you, his children, who have cried out night and day for deliverance from this ruling regime of wickedness. Exodus 15:3 The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. Exodus 15:3 NIV Never give up praying. Never take your eyes off Jehovah. Never surrender to spiritual darkness. Never give in to the bully of all bullies, the devil. Never apologize for patriotism. Never back down from constitutional rights. Never say God will not deliver. Never stop trusting in God. He has rendered a just verdict in the courts of heaven on our nation's behalf. God is the most just judge, and he has established this country on Ju...